No purchase is necessary to get started! Register for an account or login with your existing account to start creating "steal-proof" signs for your next game.
Get StartedCurrently only
Discounted from $4.99
No monthly subscriptions. No commitments.
High volume users can purchase a 12 month subscription.
"Pay-Per-Use" Low Costs
"Pay-Per-Use" allows you to just pay for a card when you need it without having to be locked into a monthly subscription or make a large up-front purchase. 3up3down Signs does not operate for profits. All purchases go directly towards covering some of the costs required to operate the web application and keep it online for you and other coaches."Steal-Proof" Signs
Signs are shuffled across a grid system that is completely randomized.Use Any Wristband
Set the dimensions of your cards so you can use them with any brand of writsband.Pitch Zones
Define custom pitch locations that your team, pitchers and catchers use.Coach Sheets
Plays are organized on a coach sheet to make calling signs easy.Create Card
Name it, select grid style, set the size.
Add Pitches/Plays
Add pitches, pitch zones, offensive, and defensive plays.
Preview Card
Verify signs and print sample to make sure it will fit in wristband.
Purchase a card credit to generate and print cards.
Shuffle signs and print "Steal-Proof" cards and coach sheets.
Teams that communicate together - win together.
Pick a Play
Coach selects a play from the Coach Sheet. You can cross out numbers used on the sheet to avoid reuse.
Call out Play Number
For the selected play, verbally call out number listed for the play.
Silently Call out Play Number
Or use your hand to silently call out number for the play. First # Palm Out, Second # Backhand Out, Third # Palm Out
Player Locates Sign
Sign for the play is found by reading First two #'s across the card and then the Third # down.
Best used by young teams just starting with a small number of signs and have small wristbands.
Best used by young teams that have small wristbands are are starting to increase the number of signs used.
Most common card used, best used by teams that have a moderate amount of pitches and plays.
Best used with larger wristbands and advanced teams that have a lot of pitches and plays.
Best used with larger wristbands and advanced teams that have a lot of pitches and plays.
Best used with larger wristbands and advanced teams that have a lot of pitches and plays.